November 2021 Meeting Minutes
November's meeting felt like a move towards pre-COVID meetings with 10+ members in attendance and some great beer-related (and non-beer-related) topics.
Topics of the meeting
Bitter and Twisted seems to be going ahead in a different format. It will be a week long string of smaller events. To our knowledge, HUB has not be asked to be part of it. Probably due to the fact that they had so much to organise in so little time. The club looks forward to being involved next year.
A reminder the HUB Christmas Party is coming up on the 4th December. It will be held at Elemore Vale Community Hall. Due to current COVID restrictions, the event is capped at 50 people (including children). If you haven't RSVP'd yet, please make sure you do so you don't miss out.
Thomas Delgatto (from the soon to be opened Thirsty Messiah Brewery) hosted a number of HUB members last weekend to brew a Red IPA for the Christmas Party.
Member Trent Maier will also be brewing one of his low/no alcohol pale ales. If you are interested in how he does it, he was kind enough to put together a blog post with lots of details. I personally think it's one of the best low/no alcohol beers I've had. IMHO.
Reminder that the Christmas party will be in place of a December meeting, so if I don't see you before Christmas, I hope you have a happy and safe Christmas/NYE/school holidays period.
This year has continued to pose a number of challenges for the club. While it has definately had an impact, I'm hopeful that we can continue re-build things to pre-COVID levels of club interation, collaboration and enthusiasm. A big thanks to all members for zooming in for meetings, attending in person as well as interacting online. It's been good to keep things going.
Tech Talk
Craig Grant and David Lamotte presented a talk which summerised findings taken from new research from Yakama Chief Hops in the USA.
They discussed a number of topics including the new CRYO-POP blend which were taken from a recent webinar/video (below) as well as handed out a printed booklet (digital version).
To finish off the talk, Craig had brought a couple of commercial examples that were brewed with CRYO-POP for the club to sample.
Webinar Video for the complete presentation from Yakama Chief Hops
That wraps it up from me.
HUB Treasurer/Secretary