The Club is organizing a brewery tour on the 4th of March 2023. We will be attending breweries in the Newcastle area. More details will be provided shortly. Please register your interest by commenting below.
EDIT 22/2/23: Proposed schedule is as follows:
12 noon to 6pm
First Venue: Shout Brewing (12pm - 2pm) we have a booking for 14 people. Food is available should people wish to purchase.
Uber in groups to Good FolkBrewing Co. (2pm - 4pm) where the club will purchase some pizzas to help see us through the rest of the afternoon.
Walk / Uber to Method Brewing (4pm - 6pm)
Uber Reimbursements - The club will reimburse members traveling from Shout Brewing to Good Folk Brewing Co., or Good Folk Brewing Co. to Method Brewing. If members please email a copy of their Uber travel receipt to with the subject "Uber Brewery Tour Receipt" along with their bank details, they will be reimbursed within a week. Please don't send receipts via Facebook Messenger or any other way.
Please try and fill Ubers between venues.
Please note that travel arrangements to and from the Uber Brewery Tour will not be reimbursed.
If you are unable to join in for the whole day, feel free to jump in/out as needed. It would be helpful to let us know if you are unable to join for the whole day to assist with numbers. The schedule above is a guide only, but we will try to stick to it.
A final word: Have fun! Be respectful to the venues and remember that we are on display to the public as a homebrew club. Don’t embarrass us or yourselves! ;-)
EDIT 3/3/23: Remember, if you have your HUB club shirt make sure you wear it so you can be part of the "cool club". ;-) See you all tomorrow!
Jodi and will both be attending
I'll be along
Count me in yewww!
I'm there, looking forward to it :)
I'm in 🍻
Yep im
Keen, my wife couldn't get rid of me quick enough!
Definitely interested…just need to negotiate with my wife…
I'm keen, but will need to try and change work.